Sound Event Detection

基于机器学习的笛子演奏技法 识别研究与实现 (Research & implementation of Chinese flute playing technique recognition based on ML)

Feb. 2020 – May 2020. Beijing, CHN. One of the graduation theses that awarded the outstanding paper honor of School of Mathematical Science, Peking University. Supervised by prof. CHEN Xiaoou in Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology, PKU. see at project for more information.

Research & implementation of Chinese flute playing technique recognition based on machine learning

Feb. 2020 – May 2020. Beijing, CHN. One of the graduation theses that awarded the outstanding paper honor of School of Mathematical Science, Peking University. Research Assistant for prof. CHEN Xiaoou in Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology at Peking University. Music object recognition and recording is the essential component of music information retrieval. Different from other fields of melody extraction and music transcription, the research on musical instrument technique detection is still in the early stage.

Chinese instrument recognition

Mar 2019 – Jun 2019. Beijing, CHN. Research Assistant for prof. CHEN Xiaoou in Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology at Peking University. Main Information Set up a series of quartet database from DCMI database shared by China Conservatory of Music. Constructed an audio event detection model based on CRNN to detect and recognize instruments. Evaluated the percussion, recall rate and F-measure of the model and CNN baseline model, and compared the difference among different quartet databases generate from different music skills or music types.