Nov. 2019 – Jan. 2020. Beijing, CHN. Class project, scored 92/100. Supervised by Associate prof. WANG Yunjia, department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. Final project of Fundamental Chinese Phonetics course: A brief discussion on the relationship between the basic frequency and the lyric tone of Cantonese songs (class final paper see at 略论粤语歌曲基频与歌词声调的关联).
Based on acoustic phonetics data(extraction code “uwr8” if needed), this paper discusses the influence of the fundamental frequency of cantonese songs on the tone of the lyrics.
Jul. 2019 – Sept. 2019. Rochester, NY, US. Research Assistant supervised by prof. DUAN Zhiyao, Deparment of Electronic Computer Engineer, University of Rochester. Main Information
Made a literature review of linguistics papers on relations between speech melody and notes in tone language song. Set up a database on Sichuan folk song with music scores in MusicXML form, lyrics audio in Sichuan dialect in wav form and note-audio alignment character by character.